Blessed Mother: January 1997

Heavenly Grace

January 1, 1997

Dear little one,

The Lord in His greatness has created each of His precious children. Each little child of God is an emerald, a fine jewel. Because you are so precious to the Father, live your life with great dignity. Dear ones, all life is to be respected, for man is the masterpiece of God. Your souls are created in His image, placed in your bodies to glorify Him. Just as the Lord is great and merciful, so too are those in His image. Sadly, the wickedness of sin taints your souls. God designed you to be pure and holy, full of dignity, a mirror of Himself. The more you immerse yourself in prayer, little ones, the closer to the Lord you shall become and you shall truly live as He has intended. May the peace of Christ be with you.

January 2, 1997

My dear daughter,

It is important that God’s children have hope in Him. Even in the days of Noah, he and his kinsman survived hoping in the Lord. As the Israelites, led into Sinai, relied completely on their Lord for the manna they ate, so too should you rely on the Lord for all good things. Many of His little ones are so lost. They wander in the darkness without a light to guide them. My dear children, let the Lord be your hope and salvation. Through His mercy, you are saved from the darkness. You, dear ones, have a guide: the cross. Follow the way of the cross. Walk in the footsteps of Christ. Then, dear ones, you will never walk astray. May the peace of Christ be with you.

January 3, 1997

My dear daughter,

Daily my Jesus is abandoned and left alone in your tabernacles. My dear children, the most Holy Eucharist, given to you as a symbol of the new covenant between God and His people, is the true body and blood of Christ. Within this most holy sacrament lies your Lord. Dear ones, as in reconciliation with the Lord, this sacrament unites you with the Lord. Understand that, though concealed in the humble bread you offer, God truly comes to you. Each day my son waits in His Eucharistic form for His dear ones to come before Him to worship and adore Him. He waits for the children of God to bring before Him their joys and sorrows, but how He is left abandoned! Many times I have come to Him with the angels, in sanctuaries and churches everywhere, to console Him in His loneliness. Dearest little ones, would you not console your Jesus? Would you not stay with Him a short while as His followers did in Gethsemane? Dearest little ones, how He desires your company! Go to your churches and recognize the mighty power of God in the Holy Eucharist. Look with eyes of faith and see your savior and Lord, Jesus the Christ. May the peace of Christ be with you.

January 4, 1997

My little one,

Be as little children, dear ones, and look upon your father with trusting eyes. I would like for all my dear children to place their trust in God. The Lord knows all things and His will is perfect. Trust that He will guide and aid His children. Know that He loves each of you. You are so precious that He would forsake even His son for you. You are so precious that He would offer Himself to you in the Eucharist. You are so loved that He would come to you in the sacraments. Trust in your Lord. Allow His strength to carry you and comfort you in all things. My dear children, pray that you might learn to trust with the fullness of your hearts. May the peace of Christ be with you.

January 5, 1997

My dear daughter,

There are many of my children who claim to be children of God, yet they have hate for their brother in their hearts. There are those who call themselves followers of Christ, yet they cloud their souls with terrible sins. Even still, there are some who say they are believers, but they walk past the hurt and spit on the lame. Dear little ones, now is the time to decide. If you are not for God, you stand against Him. There is no room to stand between. My dear children, choose to walk the road of God. Live in His light and love. Do not be mastered by the temptations and material idols of this world, but instead allow the Lord to be the king of your heart. Live each day, each moment, for the Lord. Offer to Him all you have to give. Truly, you shall be rewarded one hundred fold for the deeds you have done for the glory of God. May the peace of Christ be with you.

January 6, 1997

My dear daughter,

It is good, dear children, to study the scripture daily. Read and meditate on the words and actions of the Lord. God has provided for you, through His divine will, the Gospels that you might be further inspired by the life and works of Christ. Dear little ones, let the scripture guide you to a better understanding of your God and His covenant with His people. See His love for you in His words. Let the scripture be a guide for you, to teach you the way of life. Live, dear ones, as you have been taught, with the love and mercy of God in your hearts. God speaks to each of His children in the Holy Bible. Read, meditate, and believe! Most importantly, live the way of God. Let His lessons and instruction guide you. May the peace of Christ be with you.

January 7, 1997

My dear daughter,

Children are so dear to God. Their hearts are light and pure. They look upon the Father with trusting eyes and full faith. Dear ones, I pray that your children may always be a treasure in your hearts. Each little one is a blessing sent by God in His great love. My dear children, teach your little ones the way of faith. Plant in them the roots of love and compassion. The Lord has entrusted to you these precious little ones. As Jesus calls for all children to come unto Him, so I call that I may truly be your mother. Dear ones, as you love and care for your children, so God does for you. Strive to be teachers. Live a life of goodness that your children will see your works and believe. The Heavenly Father, whose children are numerous throughout this world, desires from you not only your good works, but also your prayers. Pray, dear ones, that the youth might find the way of the Lord through your love, faith, and example. May the peace of Christ be with you.

January 8, 1997

My dear daughter,

Let peace be in your heart. My little ones, do not hold grievances against your brother. Forgive all wrong done unto you. My little ones, pray for those who have done harm to you. Fast and offer sacrifices for their good. Little ones, it is easy for you to love your friend. A much greater deed is it to show mercy to your enemy. As Christ forgave His persecutors from the cross, asking the Father to pardon them from their wrong doing, forgive without conditions. Be an example of unconditional love. Do unto your brother as you would treat your Lord, for He is truly in the hearts of all men who invite Him there. Do not judge if you wish not to be judged. Do not persecute if you desire not to be persecuted. Instead, let God’s great mercy be with you that you might show compassion to your brother. May the peace of Christ be with you.

January 9, 1997

My little one,

Blessed are the meek of the earth, for they shall be glorified in the Father’s kingdom. Dear ones, learn to be meek and humble that the love of God might shine from within you. If you are persecuted and mocked for your faith, recall that Christ too was persecuted. If you are wronged by your brother, recognize that you too have sinned and do not judge him. No one is fit to judge the heart of a man but the Father. My little ones, it is through the humble that the Most Holy Spirit works great things. Your humility before the greatness of the Lord is a great sign to those who do not believe in the strength of your faith. Therefore, dear ones, look to your God in humility and pray that through your simpleness you might serve Him. Pray that His will be done in all things, that you might be filled with peace and joy. May the peace of Christ be with you.

January 10, 1997

My dear daughter,

I would like for all my children to understand what it means to have faith. Dear ones, to be faithful is to believe with all of your hearts in God’s great love for you. To have faith is to love the Lord so much that you would offer to Him your whole life as He has done for you. Faith, little ones, is striving to live in the way of Christ, for He has come to show you the way to His kingdom. My little ones, if you have faith within you, you would speak the truth to all you meet, for you would be so overjoyed you could not be still. My dear ones, I only wish that you would pray for the gift of faith. If you had true faith in your hearts, you would have nothing to fear, trusting in the Lord completely for all you need. My dear little ones, welcome faith in your hearts. Nurture and strengthen your faith. Live your faith. May the peace of Christ be with you.

January 11, 1997

My little daughter,

It is very important for all my children to practice obedience. The Lord has given you His commandments to teach you to live righteously. Obedience to His law and His will is necessary. Your father in heaven loves you greatly and desires for you to obey Him. Husbands and wives, be obedient to the vows you have made before God. My dear ones, I assure you, these vows are most solemn and of great importance to God. Dear children, obey your parents. Through His servant, Moses, the Lord has given this commandment. Little ones, obey the law of the church. Division and lawlessness can only bear bad fruit. Churches united with one another in God shall stand while the divided fall. In this time of turmoil, I ask especially for your obedience to the papal authority of the church. So much rebellion stirs against Christ’s vicar on earth. Dear little children, pray that God blesses you with the patience and perseverance to be obedient. May the peace of Christ be with you.

January 12, 1997

My dear daughter,

The cross has always been a symbol of God’s love for you, the means by which He died for you. The cross is a symbol of His ultimate act of mercy. My dear children, today I ask that you see the symbol of the cross in a new way. Just as the narrow boughs of the cross intersect to make the four directions, so too does your life hold many decisions, many directions for you to follow. However, my children, just as for the cross, each direction leads to an end. There is only one place that is eternal: the center. The heart of the cross is like the heart of man. It is where what is eternal can be found, the love of God. Dear ones, invite Christ to fill your hearts. Let Him bring you His goodness and peace. Seek Him out, for you shall never be left abandoned. My dear ones, meditate on the significance of the cross and you will, through the grace of God, begin to understand more fully His love. May the peace of Christ be with you.

January 13, 1997

My dear daughter,

God has designed each of His children by hand. My little ones, you are certainly created unique and special in the eyes of the Lord. To each of you He has given many talents and gifts, hoping that you would use them to serve Him through serving your brother. Dear children, each of you is blessed. Use the talents God has given you. To some the gift of teaching, to others He gives healing, and yet others receive wisdom. His gifts are more numerous than the stars, yet none is more precious to Him than another. Together, His spiritual gifts and the faith of His children make a most beautiful offering. Do not envy another, dear ones, for what the Lord has given him. To each He gives the gifts best suited to his heart, which can be seen by God alone. Trust that your service to Him through your gifts and talents is made possible through His divine will for each of you. Dear little ones, pray that you might be open to the works of God in your lives and be willing to serve Him in His ways. May the peace of Christ be with you.

January 14, 1997

My dear daughter,

So much division exists in your world. The Heavenly Father created all mankind that you might love one another as your brother. Dear children, instead of uniting yourselves together in God, you break that unity. A body cannot exist if the feet separate from the hands. You, little ones, are the true followers of Christ on this earth, commissioned to be His hands and feet. How then can you complete the work God has prepared for you without one another? Many divisions have been made in your church, in your countries, and even in your homes. Do not see yourselves as better than another. Remember the pharisee who thanked God he was not as a tax collector, but how much more blessed are the worst of sinners when they view themselves with the greatest humility. Dear children, do not fall divided, but instead be united in God’s love for each of you. May the peace of Christ be with you.

January 15, 1997

My little one,

Blessed are those who work for peace. My dear children, let the light of God be in you that you would be as a torch to light the way from darkness. Little ones, when so much violence spreads its errors across the world, I would ask you to be bearers of peace. Let peace be your sword and love your shield as you do the work of the Lord. My little ones, I love you so very much and desire for you to be closer to my Jesus. By imitating Him and living as He teaches, you grow closer to the Father in heaven. Jesus was the true example of living in peace. Even in His last moments He did not utter words of anger against His enemies, but asked that His father show unto them the face of mercy. My dear children, live in love and in the peace that the Lord desires for all of His children. Truly may the peace of Christ be with you.

January 16, 1997

My little one,

God has created a multitude of angels to give Him glory. In the beginning, the Lord loved His angels, but He desired something more. My dear children, then from His hand came forth all of mankind, created that they would be given the free will to choose the ways of God. Many of His little children chose righteous paths and this brought our father great joy, yet there remained many who would turn their backs to Him. My dear children, the gift of free will is of the greatest God has given to you and one that pains His heart deeply. In promising to man the option to choose the course of his life, many were lost. My dear ones, if you could see the great sadness in the heart of the Lord over the loss of His precious ones, you would most certainly die from grief. My little ones, the loving Lord who wants all good things for His children so wishes to deliver His lost ones, and so He has sent you that through His faithful a great harvest can be reaped for the Lord. My little ones, offer yourselves to Him that through you His work can be done. For the Lord is mighty and all things can be done through Him, in Him, and with Him. May the peace of Christ be with you.

January 17, 1997

My dear daughter,

The world has been corrupted by the power of selfishness. My little ones, the evil one has taught you the ways of greed and pride. Idolatry is the faith of the people, their money to be worshiped. I desire generous hearts. I wish for all mankind to learn the ways of compassion and charity. Dear children, if you see your brother in need, provide for him, for the Lord has never left you in want. If your eyes find one who is lonely, embrace him. Your Lord has not abandoned you in your time of need. If you befall one who shakes with grief, comfort him. Your Lord has sent His most holy son to be your comforter. Just as the Lord has provided for you, so do I wish for you to give to your brother. Dear little ones, Christ has said that the world shall know His followers by the works that they do. Give freely of yourselves to your brothers. Offer all you have to give and the Lord shall give you His kingdom in return. My children, this is a most wonderful gift to the Lord, a generous heart. May the peace of Christ be with you.

January 18, 1997

My dear daughter,

I would like to remind each of you with a joyful heart that I am truly your mother. From His cross, my most holy son turned to His beloved brother and placed me in his care. His words to me were most precious, “Woman, this is your son.” In this, dear ones, my Jesus gave to me the great honor of becoming the mother of all mankind. From the day the Lord first selected this most unworthy woman, He has blessed me. I, this woman who has been given the great gift of becoming the mother of the Christ, not even I am worthy of such honor. Dear ones, I desire so much to be your mother. I love you so dearly! If you only knew how dear you are to my heart. Little ones, I long to guide you to my Lord Jesus. I want with all of my heart for each of you to find your way home to His arms. I am your protectress. Daily I pray that you might become stronger in your faith. As all mothers look on with great joy as their little children take their first steps, so I am filled with joy as you walk towards God. My little ones, do not fall away to the darkness. How sad I am at the loss of each little one! How I weep for love of them! Dearest children, I desire most as your mother for you to love God with all the strength of your hearts, to learn to pray fervently, and to love. I will always intercede on your behalf at the throne of our father. May the peace of Christ be with you.

January 19, 1997

My dear daughter,

The most precious of all bonds are those that exist in a family. My dear ones, God created families that each person would support, love, and learn from each other. The family unit is so very important. Even when the Son of God walked upon this earth, He came as a child in a family. My little ones, so many families are wretched apart by the evils of this world. We all need to belong with those who love and support us. My dear little ones, pray for all families that the strength of their faith and love for one another would carry them in difficult times. I would ask that all families come together in prayer, for this is a special time when you are united in God. My dear children, love and support one another. Through each other, grow closer to God. May the peace of Christ be with you.

January 20, 1997

My dear daughter,

I would ask for all my children to increase their devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, for it is through this special devotion that His pains are consoled. My dear little ones, when you venerate images of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and meditate on this mystery, God pours down great blessings and graces upon you. It is pleasing to Him that you desire to console Him in His suffering. Deep love for the Sacred Heart of Jesus is the gateway to God’s mercy. How can the Father hold back His mercy and love from His devoted little ones? My dear ones, truly when you pray in honor of the great suffering of the Christ, your prayers make reparation for the sins of the world. There is so much sin and so few who would offer themselves to God. Daily, my children, I call upon the mercy of my son and intercede on your behalf. In loving the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the pains of His passion are lessened by the warmth of your love. Continue, dear ones, to pray in this way. May the peace of Christ be with you.

January 21, 1997

My dear daughter,

May the Lord make of each of us true servants. Dear little ones, now is the time to serve God! Let there be great joy in your hearts as you pray that He might make His will your will. Dear ones, ask the Lord to change your hearts that you will be open to the wisdom and guidance of the Holy Spirit and be directed in your lives. Let each precious child of God serve Him, each in their own ways, offering all their works for His glory. Serve in humility. Never is the servant greater than His master. Just as Jesus washed the feet of His disciples, you too are called to wash the feet of your brother. In serving one another, you serve Jesus who reigns over all hearts. My dear children, a life of servitude is difficult. The promise of eternal life with our heavenly father has been given to you. Imitate Christ. Use your time to strengthen love and devotion to Him in all your brothers through a life of service. May the peace of Christ be with you.

January 22, 1997

My dear daughter,

Do not be afraid of the trials and obstacles in your lives, little ones. Your hardships are not too heavy for the Lord to bear. Again, dear ones, I encourage you to give up your difficulties to the hands of God. The Lord wants to walk with you on your journey of growth and change. The greatest changes are produced in the midst of the hardest trials. Let God carry you through these times. In doing this, you will grow stronger in your faith and trust in God. My dear children, learn to be holy in all aspects of your lives. In difficult times, learn to rely on the mercy and love of God. Practice the virtue of forgiveness. To forgive your enemy with love in your heart is to be as God is. Continue to strive towards becoming more and more like Christ. My dear children, pray that God will give you the courage to face your trials with Him. As Jesus spoke to His disciples, let any who wish to follow Him take up their crosses. The Lord who has conquered the most difficult of crosses will carry yours for you. May the peace of Christ be with you.

January 23, 1997

My dear daughter,

Praise and give thanks to the Lord! My dear ones, the Lord gives you so many blessings and how often do His children forget to give Him thanks. Dear little children, each day praise the Lord and celebrate the gifts you have been given, the simple gifts that mean so much, food to eat, shelter, love. My children, when you ask the Lord for His blessings and beseech Him to hear your prayers, thank Him even if it seems your prayers have gone unanswered. No prayer is unanswered, dear ones. God cannot deny His precious ones. Many times, the answer to your prayers does not come in a way that you can understand. My little ones, most importantly, each time you celebrate the Holy Mass and you look upon the sacred body and blood of Christ, fall to your knees in thanksgiving for His sacrifice. It is through His death and resurrection, the true sacrifice and final sacrifice, that you are cleansed from your sins. Through Him you are made holy in the eyes of God. Only through the passion of Christ are you made worthy to inherit the Father’s kingdom. Give thanks, dear ones, for God’s goodness. May the peace of Christ be with you.

January 24, 1997

My dear daughter,

I ask that all my children fill their hearts with compassion. So many of God’s little children suffer ills of the body, mind, and spirit. Many who are young and old need your mercy, your kindness. Dear children, much is required for a person to be whole and complete. It is not wellness of body, for that is passing. It is not so much wellness of the mind, for no one can comprehend God’s works. Dear children, it is wellness of spirit that so many seek out and need so desperately. Each precious little one needs the love of God, and His love radiates in all His blessings. You, dear ones, can be bearers of His love. Find compassion for all children of God. The Lord loves them all tremendously. Show them His love for them. Let it pour forth from an ocean of compassion in your hearts, made possible by the power of the Holy Spirit. May the peace of Christ be with you.

January 25, 1997

My dear one,

Remember that the Lord sees all you do. He knows the innermost secrets of your heart. He knows your words before they pass your lips. My dear children, do not hide behind shame or regret and distance yourself from the Father. This is not what He desires. Do not feel that you cannot be forgiven for your wrong doings. What Father would not forgive his child? Instead, look with trusting eyes to the Father and ask for forgiveness. Dear little ones, be honest. Search your hearts. Your loving Lord knows your sins. Dear children, make reparation for your sins. Pray and offer sacrifices to amend your wrongs. Dear little one, you must trust that God has forgiven you fully and that His love for you will never cease. May the peace of Christ be with you.

January 26, 1997

My dear daughter,

Love is greater than all other emotions. Love is the answer to every question and the truth. My dear children, God is love and love is His greatest gift to you. There are many now who would exploit the sanctity of Godly love. In this world, love has become trivial and conditional. My little ones, I long for you to know love as God intended it to be. In its purest and most delicate way, love lifts your heart ever closer to God and frees you. Love is a great weapon against the wickedness of sin. My dear children, resolve to live a life of love and peace. Accept this gift from the Father with gratitude and cherish it. Experience love and have God in your hearts. My dear children, as ever, I your mother love each of you. May the peace of Christ be with you.

January 27, 1997

My dear daughter,

When you pray, do not allow yourself to be distracted by the world around you, but rather let your heart and mind be completely focused on the words you speak. Understand the meaning of what you pray. Know that God is closer to you than you can possibly comprehend. My dear children, your prayers are the foundation of your relationship with God. Just as Jesus called Peter the rock of His church, I say that your prayer is the rock of your love for Him. Make your prayer solid that your faith can withstand the trials of this life. My little ones, God truly is your father. He longs for you to bring to Him all of your joys and sufferings. It is important also, dear ones, to remember you brother in prayer, for this serves a two-fold purpose. Your life is blessed for your selflessness and love, and the Lord shall pour His mercy down on all that are brought to Him in prayer. My little children, do not cease to pray, but instead live your lives as a prayer giving glory to our Father in heaven. May the peace of Christ be with you.

January 28, 1997

My dear daughter,

There are many of my children who look for signs and miracles to nurture their faith. It is true that God creates miracles and signs so that His little ones might believe, but truly blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe. Blessed are all of you, dear ones, for although you have not seen the face of Jesus, you believe He is Lord and though you have not touched His cross, you know that He died for each of you. Even though you have not placed your hands in His wounds, you have faith in His resurrection to glory. My dear children, do not seek out wondrous signs and miracles, but seek to deepen your faith and trust in God. Look with the eyes of your soul and see that He is with you and loves you. Know that His protection is upon you and His love is eternal. My dear little children, trust in the goodness of the Lord. May the peace of Christ be with you.

January 29, 1997

My dear daughter,

Many do not understand the importance of fasting. Although God’s people have offered up fasts to Him many times since He first breathed life into man, many now neglect this sacred act. Dear little ones, in fasting you purify yourselves by denying the pleasures of the flesh. Your mind, body, and heart are freed from the cares of this world and made wondrous for the Lord. In purifying yourselves, you become ever closer to the Lord. When fasting, dear children, offer your small sufferings to console the sorrow of the Lord. Many blessings and great mercy is made possible through your small sacrifices. The Lord accepts your gifts joyfully. Finally, dear ones, when you fast, while depriving yourselves of worldliness immerse yourselves in prayer. Pray that the Lord will make you strong in the times that a sacrifice is asked of you. Pray that you might have the wisdom and courage to be bold in your faith while having a most humble heart. May the peace of Christ be with you.

January 30, 1997

My dear one,

Tonight I pray that you might be blessed with the spirit of boldness that you might teach the ways of Christ. Dear ones, there is a great difference between having the courage to stand with God and being too proud not to. Blessed little ones, any man that is filled with the courage and boldness of the Holy Spirit is a holy man. Although strong in faith, he has a meek and humble heart, seeking only to use his gifts for the glory of God. Many men stand with God because of their pride. To be a child of God is to be great in their eyes. These proud little ones take great joy in believing that they are more blessed than their brother. My little ones, truly I tell you, any man who has no love in his heart for God cannot be for the Lord, and any man who has not a meek and humble heart will find no place at the Father’s table. The Lord is the shepherd of the humble, those who would give themselves up so that He might be glorified. These little ones shall find that they are given all of God’s mercy, while the proud do not know Him. May the peace of Christ be with you.

January 31, 1997

My dear daughter,

Recall that Jesus has said that a tree might be judged by the fruit it bears. In the same way, I ask you to judge your actions. My little children, as the disciples of Christ we all strive to do the works of God. Look at your lives, dear ones, as God sees. See the times when your actions have caused pain and sorrow. Also recognize the times when you have brought the light of God to the darkness that this world offers. Work to act in a way that would always bring the love of God. Remember that you are each a teacher by example, that many who search for God find their way by your compassion and love for all people. My dear children, I desire for all my little ones to walk with the Lord. Be a true example of this light that you would be a beacon in the darkness. May the peace of Christ be with you.