Blessed Mother: April 1997

Heavenly Grace

April 1, 1997

My dear daughter,

This is a time of great turmoil in your world. My little children stumble far away from God. My dear children, this is the time when you must be courageous in faith. My little ones, begin to live the lessons I have given you. Have the wisdom to be humble and the knowledge to follow the way of God. He is the light in the darkness of this world. Let those around you know that you are a disciple of Christ in your actions. When you look upon the least of God’s people with love in your eyes, the world will know who your master is. My dear children, now is the time to serve. In this difficult time, serve one another. In doing this, you lighten the burden of your brother and serve the Almighty Creator. Dear ones, bow your heads and recognize the deep strength and love of God. In His eternal mercy, find the courage to be bold in your faith. May the peace of Christ be with you.

April 2, 1997

My little one,

I call all of my children to reflect in prayer on their lives. Do you live your faith fully? It is so very important that my little children reflect their faith in their lives. You have been taught that faith is a grace that can be spread by example. My little ones, as your mother I desire for you to be perfectly united with our loving God. I wish for you to know His presence in your lives and to understand His will. My dear ones, I am saddened by how often God’s precious children forget Him. Let your daily lives be a prayer with all of your actions mindful of God. Live life to give Him glory. In this way, you will experience His lasting peace. May the peace of Christ be with you.

April 3, 1997

My dear daughter,

I bless you and thank you for your prayers for my intentions. My dear children, so many of you struggle with guilt. Your hearts are heavy with this burden. My little ones, when you sin, you offend God. When you ask Him for His forgiveness, He is overjoyed and forgives completely. A repentant heart will never be turned away. My dear ones, the Lord loves each of you just the way you are, even in your sins. How much it pleases Him to see a heart that truly desires His forgiveness! My little children, when you ask His forgiveness with a true heart know that you have received this grace. The Lord does not want you to suffer from guilt, but to accept His gift of forgiveness with joy. My dear children, place all of your guilt in the hands of Jesus, for He will carry your burden and make your heart light, as He carried the burden of sin upon the cross. Let God’s healing forgiveness enter our lives, for guilt can only keep you from Him. Let nothing stand between you and the Father. Trust always in Him. May the peace of Christ be with you.

April 4, 1997

My dear daughter,

Today I wish to thank my little ones for continuing to pray and learn to live your faith. My dear children, when you chose your professions you have a great opportunity to live your faith. At this time, pray that God will direct you in His ways. My dear children, every one of God’s children has a special call. To some the priesthood, to others to teach. Some are called to be healers and care takers. In every vocation there is the road of God. Be certain that you glorify Him when you chose to do His work. My dear ones, I tell you this is all part of living for God. I have told you that you live for God through your faith, your families, your daily activities, and in all ways that God calls you. Pray that you might begin to live fully in Him. May the peace of Christ be with you.

April 5, 1997

My dear daughter,

My little ones place their faith in their earthly goods. Dear ones, these things are passing. What good are all of the riches of the world compared to the kingdom of God? My dear children, I ask that you not seek wealth in the world, but store your treasures in our father’s kingdom. This life is but an instant, a brief moment in eternity. Ah, the joy of living eternally in God! His lasting peace fills your soul. His joy encompasses His dear ones. Little children, His kingdom is greater than the riches of this world. By loving the Lord with all of your heart and in loving your brother as God loves, you will come before Him in His kingdom to be with Him forever. Little children, pray that your hearts would desire only Him. May the peace of Christ be with you.

April 6, 1997

My dear daughter,

At the moment when God breathed His life into your body in your mother’s womb, your body became the dwelling place of your soul. Little ones, I ask you to respect the bodies that you have been given. They are holy because they have been formed by the Father’s hands and are a reflection of Him. His work is always good. Dear children, do not poison your bodies with the pleasures that are offered by this world, but use them to glorify God. Let your hands do the work of Christ and your feet walk the road of God. May your arms embrace His children and your eyes be raised to the heavens as you praise Him. My little children, strive always to be holy in your actions. In this way, your bodies, minds, and souls might be forever united with the Father. May the peace of Christ be with you.

April 7, 1997

My dear daughter,

My little children have scattered themselves among many churches. Still you remain divided. My little ones, you each have come to worship in your own ways, yet do not forget that you are all children of the one Lord who has created you with His love. You must stand unified in Him. My little ones, division can lead only to destruction, for even within each of our Lord’s churches the people stand divided. My dear children, as your mother I ask you to examine your faith. The one Lord is the master of all of His churches and every kind of faith. He is the one in whom you trust, He whom you love. When you confront the worldliness and wickedness that threaten your communities of faith and your churches, be united in the Christ. My dear children, it is man who has divided the church. The Lord is pleased with all of His faithful. Love one another as you would love your Lord. May the peace of Christ be with you.

April 8, 1997

My dear daughter,

I call you to reflect today on the Parable Of The Sower that has been given to you by Jesus through the scriptures. Dear little ones, are you living as good, strong seed that grows on the fertile ground of faith or seed that has fallen on the rocky earth to be scorched by the sun and eaten by birds? The former, dear children, is what I as your mother desire for you. I wish for you to take the word of God into your hearts and devote yourselves to living as your faith has taught you. How sad it is, little ones, to be as the latter, to reject the word and life that the Lord offers to you for the sake of worldly pleasure. My little children, I know that this is difficult, to reject the ways of the world. I do not ask you to sell your possessions and remove yourselves from the world, but to live your faith in the midst of it. In your daily lives, let God direct your activities. In this way, you might be His instrument to bring the world back to Him. May the peace of Christ be with you.

April 9, 1997

My dear daughter,

I wish to remind you, little children, that your actions impact the lives of those around you. A kind word from a strong, faithful friend can do such wonders in a hurting heart. Your faith can heal the lost. Your love can shelter the suffering. My dear children, you must also remember that each hurtful word you speak against your brother is not only a deep pain for Him, but a sin against the Father who created him. My little ones, my purpose in coming to you is to teach you how to love one another and your God with the fullness of your hearts. Only by doing this will you live with joy always. There is a great peace that enters the hearts of those who know God’s love. I wish, as your mother, that you would strive to extend that peace to one another. This is a most important lesson. Pray that you will love more each day until you are called home to the Father’s kingdom. May the peace of Christ be with you.

April 10, 1997

My dear daughter,

Today I wish to urge you once again to work for peace. My dear children, this is a time during which much unrest has come upon the world. Many of my children have become lost and are far from God because they have chosen to reject Him. They no longer have His peace in their hearts and they suffer from frustration and anxiety. This frustration spills out among their brothers and sisters in the form of anger and violence. The peace of God is necessary to calm the turmoil of this world. My little ones, first I ask that you work for peace in your own hearts. By spending time in prayer and in the presence of the Lord, He will heal your brokenness and extend to you His peace. I ask that you work for peace in your families. Love one another. Your families are a gift from God. Practice the virtues of patience and forgiveness. Finally, I ask that you work for peace in your communities, allowing the light of Christ to shine through each of you, the instrument of His will, that His peace may come to this earth. May the peace of Christ be with you.

April 11, 1997

My dear daughter,

God does not wish for His children to feel ashamed of their sins. He does not demand guilt and anxiety. My dear children, when you have sinned, be repentant. True repentance is two fold. First is the regret of causing sin to enter your heart. Second, little ones, is the desire to change your heart from a sinful state to a state of true union with God in His love. A repentant soul strives for purity. My little ones, God does not wish for you to live in the sins of your past. He does not wish for you to be anxious about your futures. Instead, my dear children, live in His forgiveness for today, each day at a time. His mercy and love are so great, He forgives His little ones and carries their sins upon the cross. My dear children, when in your lives you find occasion to sin, pray. Prayer will keep you near to the Lord and hold you fast to His way. May the peace of Christ be with you.

April 12, 1997

My dear daughter,

Tonight I wish to urge all of my little children to forgive those who have injured them. My little ones, I have spoken to you on the meaning of forgiveness. I wish for you to put this in practice in your daily lives. Little children, anger is a grave sin. This world has been corrupted by the anger that comes only from the evil one. He is the root of all anger, fear, and confusion. Many of my dear ones fall away to His road of anger. Forgiveness is the greatest weapon against anger. For forgiveness is an act of love. When you forgive your brother for his misdeeds, you are blessed with the grace of God. Continue to forgive one another as God forgives, with a pure and loving heart. My dear children, to forgive is a perfect reflection of God’s mercy. If you desire mercy, be merciful! Just as God forgives you your sins, so too must you forgive each other. May the peace of Christ be with you.

April 13, 1997

My dear daughter,

I wish for you to ponder the mystery of the resurrection of Christ. My little ones, through His resurrection, our Lord overcame even death. In the same way you, His children, can overcome all obstacles in life. By dying and rising, Jesus taught His disciples that true life awaited them in His father’s kingdom. My little ones, through His resurrection He has shown you the way to the Father’s kingdom where you will live eternally. My dear children, call to mind often His passion, death, and resurrection. See the great love He has for you that He would take upon the sins of the world, that you might dwell with him forever. May the peace of Christ be with you.

April 14, 1997

My dear daughter,

There are many whose hearts remain hard and who have turned away from God our father. My little children, is it so difficult to have trust? In your world where you are so often abandoned by those whom you love, where you suffer the disappointment of human failings, you have not learned how to trust with your hearts. My dear children, God is the greatest of fathers, the greatest of friends. Truly, you will never be abandoned nor failed by Him. His will is perfect as is His love for you. My little children, open your hearts. Do not fear the pain of failure or disappointment, but open your hearts and lives to the grace of God. Be as children again. Look with loving eyes to your father in heaven and trust in His providence. He will care for you. May the peace of Christ be with you.

April 15, 1997

My dear daughter,

Remember to live humility. My dear children, do not be concerned with your goods and clothing. These things are passing. My little ones, live a simple life. How much easier it is to remain humble when you live simply. Dear ones, simplify your lives. Dear little children, God desires humility. Know that He has created you so very special and unique. He has a purpose for you. Instead of rushing about and worrying much over your material goods, it is good to spend more time in His presence through prayer. It is in kneeling down in prayer when you learn to have the gift of humility. May the peace of Christ be with you.

April 16, 1997

My dear daughter,

Seek freedom from sin in the Lord, dear ones. My little children, be reconciled with God. Through Him and in Him, temptation has no hold on you. The most powerful gifts of God are His love, mercy, and forgiveness. Confess your sins and do penance, for a remorseful heart is embraced by the Father. My little children, the kingdom of God is in your hearts. Here on this earth you can begin to understand eternal life in His kingdom, if you allow Him to reign over your hearts. My little ones, I ask of you as your mother, choose God now! For if you do not stand with Him, you stand against Him. His love for you is so great, He wishes only to be with His people. Dear ones, fall to your knees and choose God! He is the way, the truth, and the life! May the peace of Christ be with you.

April 17, 1997

My dear daughter,

Come before the Lord in the Eucharist, for this is the time when His mercy and love pour down from the heavens. My little ones, in the form of the Eternal Sacrifice, the Lord comes in body to your churches and into your hearts. When you receive Him, you become united in Him. My dear children, I pray that you would practice great reverence and respect during the Holy Mass. It is during this time when the Spirit of the Lord descends upon His people. My priestly sons, I ask of you, strive to lead your people in the move towards a deep love and devotion to the Eucharistic Christ. At the time of consecration, fall to your knees and beseech the guidance of the Holy Spirit. My little ones, it is through this holy sacrament that the Lord prepares the hearts of His children for His kingdom. May the peace of Christ be with you.

April 18, 1997

My dear daughter,

Today, I call each of you to be teachers. Long have I taught you how to love, how to pray, to live the virtues of your faith. There are many of my little ones who do not have the opportunity to read my word or hear the word of God taught each day through the scripture in your churches. As Christ sent His first apostles, I send you, my faithful. Just as the founders of the church, you are charged with the responsibility of teaching the ways of God. Little ones, be bearers of my love, bearers of the love of God. Teach by your example how to serve. Pray, dear ones, that all of God’s people will come to give Him glory. May the peace of Christ be with you.

April 19, 1997

My dear daughter,

Pray, dear children, that you might not become concerned with your worldly possessions, but that you might store your treasures in heaven. My little ones, you do not realize how little time you are on earth. An instant after your creation you grow, learn, teach, serve, and return home to the family, to the God of eternity. Your lifetime is but a blink of the eyes. Use the time you have been given by Him fully. Each day, seek to serve Him in a new way. My dear children, be not concerned with your material goods, for they will do you no good in the next life. Instead, be steadfast in your efforts to learn to love, for in the end it is only love that lasts in the kingdom of God. May the peace of Christ be with you.

April 20, 1997

My dear daughter,

Praise the Lord this day for His goodness! Dear little ones, I come today to encourage you to gain a deeper reverence for the Holy Eucharist through prayer. My little children, if only you could see with eyes of faith. If only you could know the true presence of Christ in the Eucharist. Oh how the angels of heaven praise Him, surrounding His altars and tabernacles in worship! My little ones, as the angels adore the Great Sacrifice, so too should you worship and adore Him. My little ones, be filled with the Holy Spirit, that your eyes might be open to the presence of your Lord in the Eucharist. May the peace of Christ be with you.

April 21, 1997

My dear daughter,

I bless you and love you so dearly. This day, I would like to encourage each of my little children to desire a life of mercy. My little ones, you have been taught that the Lord is a God of mercy. To His people, He gives the light of life and salvation. Though they would mock, crucify, and kill Him, Jesus forgave each of His persecutors through the mercy of the Holy Spirit. Though no man is worthy, the Lord comes to you each day in the Eucharist because He is merciful. My dear children, be merciful as God has shown you mercy. May your hearts be gentle and filled with love. Pray that the Holy Spirit will guide you in the way of humble mercy. May the peace of Christ be with you.

April 22, 1997

My dear daughter,

In this lifetime, you, my children, suffer much loss and grief. Know that in your times of sadness, your Father in heaven holds you ever closer to His heart. My little ones, when you experience loss in your life, do not be overcome by mourning. This is the way of those who have little faith. My dear children, as followers of Christ, you know of His tremendous love for you. In times of grief, let Him be your hope. Be strengthened in the knowledge that God cares for you and guides you through your trials. My dear children, trust in Him and pray that your loss might be offered up to Him, that He who freely lost everything that this earthly life promised will gain for you the graces of peace. May the peace of Christ be with you.

April 23, 1997

My dear daughter,

Fidelity is so very important especially in this age of sinfulness. My dear children, be faithful to your God. Trust and follow His word. Stand firm against those who would mock and ridicule Him. Be the foundation of the church, its strength and love. My little ones, be faithful to one another. Husbands, be devoted to your wives. Children, be loyal to your parents. My dear children, practice honesty. Do not say one thing and do another, but fulfill you word. There are many who would speak out in praise of fidelity, but few who would practice it. Dear ones, pray that God may place in your hearts the virtues of patience and love that you may remain faithful always to His way. May the peace of Christ be with you.

April 24, 1997

My dear daughter,

Jesus is the healer of the heart, soul, and body. Little ones, just as when He walked among His people on this earth, curing the sick and granting sight to the blind, His presence is with you, His beloved. Jesus the healer wants only to mend the brokenness of His people. My dear children, give to God your wounds and your scars. Allow Him to smooth them away with the touch of His hand. Truly, He will fill you with His graces. The Lord heals the broken hearted and suffering. His love is the strength on which you, His dear children, can build a fortress of trust. Follow His way. Pray that the Christ might enliven your hearts and heal your wounds that you might be made whole in Him. May the peace of Christ be with you.

April 25, 1997

My dear daughter,

Tonight I call each of you once again to conversion of the heart. Dear children, do you know how much your father in heaven loves you? Do you not yet see His presence in your lives? My little ones, as your heavenly mother, I will call you always to Jesus. Receive the sacrament of Reconciliation and be forgiven for you offenses to God. Little ones, in this way will your heart begin the journey of conversion. Conversion truly is a journey. You are all called to be converted to the love of God each day. My little children, in this time when the world is trapped in darkness, darkness that is caused by sin, I call you to begin anew. Devote your hearts to God that He might do mighty works within you. May the peace of Christ be with you.

April 26, 1997

My dear children,

Tonight I call you again to prayer. My dear children, prayer is the greatest weapon against the evil one. Prayer is your protection from temptation. In prayer, you come to know the love of God fully. Dear ones, in all things pray! Live your lives as a prayer to be offered up to your Lord. There are no obstacles in this life too great to be overcome through the wisdom that God gives through diligent and fervent prayer. Strengthen your hearts and your love for Him. Be ready for His call. Cleanse yourselves. Let Him fill you. In prayer you become His perfect instruments of love. May the peace of Christ be with you.

April 27, 1997

My dear daughter,

I love you so dearly! My little ones, as I love you as your heavenly mother, so much more does your heavenly father love you, His children. He reaches out to you, my little ones, to bring you from the brink of death into the light of eternal life, for this is what He has promised you, what He died to give you, and the place that He has prepared for you. My little ones, I come as His daughter and as your mother. I come to show you the way back to God, to lead you to my Jesus. My dear children, receive His gifts. Pray that He will fill you with faith for this is the first step in coming to know and love Him completely. My dear children, do not forget to pray! This is so very important. Pray and let your hearts be filled with the light of His love. May the peace of Christ be with you.

April 28, 1997

My dear daughter,

Peace be with you. Dear little children, I ask that you would devote yourselves to a life of faith. You have been given the tools of faith: prayer, peace, love, and forgiveness. My dear children, only from a life of faith can much joy abound. Dear little ones, the Lord desires those who would do His work as His instrument that He might truly work through you to gather His fallen sheep. Dear children, you are so precious to Him! When just one little child is lost, He goes in search of him. Little ones, be as pillars of faith. May your lives always reflect God. Let those around you know that you belong to Him by your words, your deeds, and your faith in God. May the peace of Christ be with you.

April 29, 1997

My dear children,

I call you, dear ones, to become more aware of Jesus’ presence in your lives. See Him in each child whose eyes shine brightly with the love of God. See Him in the faces of the aged and wise who are blessed with the wisdom of the Holy Spirit. See the face of Jesus reflected throughout all of creation. My dear children, wherever it is that you see Him, serve Him there. In serving the poor and the weak, you serve Him. In loving the old and the young, you have loved Him. In having dignity for all that the Lord in His goodness has created, you give dignity and respect to your Savior. My dear children, I call you today into the service of the Lord, for there is no greater calling. May the peace of Christ be with you.

April 30, 1997

My dear daughter,

My children lose their hope in God so easily. The evil one seeks out the destruction of hope, for a man who does not hope in the Lord does not live in Him. Little children, God has sent me to you to teach you that the greatest of all things are love of God, love of neighbor, and love for yourselves. Through me, His humble messenger, He has promised that through prayer your faith in Him becomes strong, and that faith is the root of love. My dear children, now I say to you, in prayer, faith, and love you, little ones, can truly hope in God. To hope in Him is to trust, to love, to be at peace, and to understand His mercy and love. This is what I wish for you, dear children, that you would be full of hope. May the peace of Christ be with you.